Apple, General, Work

Set High Expectations

Set High Expectations. In Personal Life. In Professional Life. For yourself. For your girlfriend. For your lives together. For your friends, colleagues and network. Setting high expectations results in the Pygmalion effect, or Rosenthal effect, which is the phenomenon in which the greater the expectation placed upon people, the better they perform. The effect is… Continue reading Set High Expectations

Apple, General, Work

Fight Off the Bozo Explosion; Hire for Attitude

Steve Jobs had an apt saying. "One bozo gets another bozo. Soon, you're surrounded by bozos. This is called a bozo explosion". Till Steve was alive, the best of the best of the best worked at Apple. Still does; and thus, its one of the most valuable and respected companies (read: Global Brands) worldwide. Bozo… Continue reading Fight Off the Bozo Explosion; Hire for Attitude

Apple, City, Work

The Honest Advice.

Whether you're a CEO of a Fortune company, or a startup, or of a small Unit, or just a professional trying to move up the career (and monetary) ladder, here's a simple advice. Straight from the Heart of Steve Jobs to the newly become President & CEO of Nike, Mark Parker in 2010. Easy to say,… Continue reading The Honest Advice.


Yahoo! A Case study in Lack of Focus.

Yahoo!"s main problem has always been the lack of FOCUS. It's a common joke - what is Yahoo! this year? Is it an internet company, or an internet portal, or internet media company, or media company, or aggregator of news? Only God almighty knows. Wait. Fucking Christ. Marissa Mayer calls it, "global technology company focused… Continue reading Yahoo! A Case study in Lack of Focus.

Apple, General, Social Media, Work

A Lesson in Accountability: Difference Between the Janitor and the Vice President

I've often wondered the reason why some people make it to the top; and a few don't, eventually, I mean. Is it the lack of qualifications, degrees from top colleges, or is the interest level in their professional lives that eventually dies out, or is it lack of 'do what you love' Steve Jobs philosophy...… Continue reading A Lesson in Accountability: Difference Between the Janitor and the Vice President

Apple, City, Clothing, Social Media

Steve Jobs’ glasses… Got one… :)

Wanted to get a pair since a long long long time. But never could get the time to visit the local optician, get my eyes kinda tested (last time I did that was in 2005 when still at the University in England); and so finally, made up my mind. Sunday afternoon, walked into the local… Continue reading Steve Jobs’ glasses… Got one… 🙂


When Do You Decide It’s Time to Quit. For Good.

Stuck in a job that you hate? Makes you cry thinking of going to work every day in the morning? Well, even if you're not crying (sorry to sound so dramatic) but wondering about whether it makes you happy being there at all; how do you know when it's time to quit? I recently read… Continue reading When Do You Decide It’s Time to Quit. For Good.

Apple, Electronics, General, Social Media, Work

Time has come for Steve Ballmer to GO?

Microsoft is languishing at the bottom of the table when it comes to creating sustainable, creative, and innovative software. Not something that is new. Been there for a while. Steve Ballmer - since becoming CEO in January 2000 hasn't done much. Besides the stock sliding further and further towards oblivion. Is it time for Steve… Continue reading Time has come for Steve Ballmer to GO?

Apple, Clothing, General, Social Media

The Craziness About Being Crazy

Rash. Selfish. Envious. Deceitful Liar. Manipulative. Yet charismatic and a genius - Steve Jobs has been called all, one and everything. Received Steve Jobs: The Exclusive Biography by Walter Issacson a few days ago. Got 3 of them - one for myself, and 2 as gifts. Having read a few hundred pages, can definitely say… Continue reading The Craziness About Being Crazy

Apple, Electronics, General, Social Media, Work

iPhone 5 Release Date – On Steve Jobs’ First Year Death Anniversary?

iPhone 5 is on the way. Soon. But when - the release date, is the million dollar question. There are a few rumors in the market - pertaining to the reason and exact date of the official release of iPhone 5. Personally, having followed Apple's past history of product announcements, I feel: Apple will NOT… Continue reading iPhone 5 Release Date – On Steve Jobs’ First Year Death Anniversary?

Apple, Electronics, General, Social Media, Work

What Happens When CEO Lacks Vision: Steve Ballmer Laughs at iPhone

Vision. The single most important thing on Earth - that separates a good CEO from an outstanding one. Steve Ballmer the Salesman. Steve Jobs - the Visionary - the Genius. Want to know WHY they are where they're today? Check this video out. Steve Ballmer opening ridiculing iPhone for being an overly priced hardware piece… Continue reading What Happens When CEO Lacks Vision: Steve Ballmer Laughs at iPhone