General, Social Media, Work

30 Pearls of Leadership Wisdom from Robin Sharma

Reading a variety of self-help books, attending technical, or, non-technical, management and self-productivity & improvement courses and networking with like-minded individuals are a couple of "must do" things for someone who wishes to progress in life. Otherwise, you stagnate and die. As simple as that. In my personal collection of over 3,000+ books (yes, I… Continue reading 30 Pearls of Leadership Wisdom from Robin Sharma

Apple, City, Work

The Honest Advice.

Whether you're a CEO of a Fortune company, or a startup, or of a small Unit, or just a professional trying to move up the career (and monetary) ladder, here's a simple advice. Straight from the Heart of Steve Jobs to the newly become President & CEO of Nike, Mark Parker in 2010. Easy to say,… Continue reading The Honest Advice.