Apple, General, Work

Fight Off the Bozo Explosion; Hire for Attitude

Steve Jobs had an apt saying. “One bozo gets another bozo. Soon, you’re surrounded by bozos. This is called a bozo explosion”.
Till Steve was alive, the best of the best of the best worked at Apple.
Still does; and thus, its one of the most valuable and respected companies (read: Global Brands) worldwide.

Bozo was a term Steve would use to describe someone that just didn’t get it. A bozo to him was someone that was more interested in the bureaucracy of business rather than innovation. A bozo was someone that was ineffective and someone that wasn’t authentic. A bozo was someone who focused on what wasn’t important. Basically a bozo was anyone Steve didn’t respect. (source: URL)

If you’re running a company, or just started your own business; make sure you invest in the core component for success. People.

Yes. It may sound a bit strange – shouldn’t it be in computers, processes, rules, laws, maybe, the swiping machine trying to monitor people closely?
Or maybe time-tracking and management tools like Intervals wherein your employees can enter every minute of what they are doing – from sneezing, to going to the loo, to saying hi to the person in the next cubicle.

Does it all help. Fucking doesn’t. Seen it happen too many times already.
The top companies that scale fast, quick and make a brand out of themselves when others are struggling have a few things in common.
Let’s see what those are –

1. They value people. Their choices. Their issues. Their problems.
People – respected and valued, always go the extra mile to outperform even the highest of client/management expectations.

2. Hire A players. A players bring in A+ players, B players bring in Cs, and C players bring in Ds, and so on.
Soon, your A players have left the company; and you’re left surrounded by what Guy Kawasaki calls – “industry rejects”.
Mediocre people who can’t secure a job anywhere else, and stick with you on the pretext of saying, they are loyal to the company. Steve Jobs used to say, ‘One bozo gets another bozo’. Soon, you’re surrounded by bozos. Make sure you hire A players always – whatever the costs – for preventing this to happen.

3. Invest in People. Identify A players in existing groups – promote them – provide them with faith, trust and hand over responsibility to them.
If they are A players, they will NOT fail.
Hire for attitude, and then train them for skill(s).

4. Allow people to Experiment. And fail. If required.
The more people experiment – and have an entrepreneurial attitude, they will be more satisfied with their work, the projects they work in, people they work with; and most importantly, have a more positive outlook on their work lives.
Click to see what Steve Jobs says about failure.

5. Allow people to Grow.
Some of the Indian companies that I worked for in the past – had amazing people – who soon left. They were extremely well paid, but they left, cause they didn’t see any final aim/goal/vision for the company as such.
Good people thrive on Best Ideas.

6. Last, let BEST IDEAS WIN always. 
Steve Jobs when once asked – he said, “You have to let the BEST IDEAS win“. Some ideas will be good, some fucking amazingly good, some dopey, and some fucking horrible. Let people be honest, debate, and let the best ideas win always. I worked for some companies in the past – wherein to question someone in a meeting was considered derogatory; management often said, ‘hey man, you’re putting down people! They feel rejected – sad!!’. I was like – dude, what the fuck? If the person felt put down, maybe he needs to read up before a presentation, or have a depth of understanding before a debate. If its a presentation for the sake of one, then, you’re thriving in a company full of bozos.

Check out the following clip on HOW TO GET THE BEST TALENT and keep it. Fucking simple. As Steve Jobs mentions.

Here’s the amazing welcome card you receive when you join Apple.
Do your employees BELIEVE, LIVE IN & RESONATE the core values of your business?
If you’re a business owner, its time for you to sit and think.
Don’t get bogged down by too many bozos around; its the crazy ones that push the human race forward.


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