City, General, Social Media, Work

Indian eCommerce Bust – Why has it come so SOON?

It was always predicted. It was always on the cards. But it would come so soon - probably, no one had predicted. Anyways, out of the 200 or so eCommerce startups founded in India in 2012 - 100 so far have gone bust. Most of them finished (read burnt callously here) the amount of capital… Continue reading Indian eCommerce Bust – Why has it come so SOON?

General, Social Media, Work

Grow a Thick Skin Before Launching Your eVenture

Jugez un homme par ses questions plutôt que par ses réponses, Voltaire once said. In English, 'Judge a man by his questions rather than by his answers'. Unfortunately, many Indian eCommerce startup CEOs have crucified Voltaire at the alter. Too many probing questions are never entertained; and they loose temper and calm at the slightest… Continue reading Grow a Thick Skin Before Launching Your eVenture

General, Social Media, Work

HR Experience in India – The Good, The Bad & The Ugly

Human Resources in India is still at a very nascent stage as a 'career opportunity'. It means - most HR personnel I've had the opportunity of coming across during my stay in India, are either 'in HR owing to lack of ample opportunities outside the HR realm' OR 'loving HR for the time-being till I… Continue reading HR Experience in India – The Good, The Bad & The Ugly