Apple, General, Social Media, Work

Reinvent Yourself. Designed In California.

The 2nd week of June, thus far, has been exciting. First - I traveled to Kovalam from 7-9 June. Kovalam is a beach town by the Arabian Sea in Thiruvananthapuram city, Kerala, India, located around 16 km from the city center. Was a guest speaker at the first ever International Conference on Travel Technology (ICTT), India organized… Continue reading Reinvent Yourself. Designed In California.

Apple, City, Work

The Honest Advice.

Whether you're a CEO of a Fortune company, or a startup, or of a small Unit, or just a professional trying to move up the career (and monetary) ladder, here's a simple advice. Straight from the Heart of Steve Jobs to the newly become President & CEO of Nike, Mark Parker in 2010. Easy to say,… Continue reading The Honest Advice.

City, General, Social Media, Work

Indian eCommerce Bust – Why has it come so SOON?

It was always predicted. It was always on the cards. But it would come so soon - probably, no one had predicted. Anyways, out of the 200 or so eCommerce startups founded in India in 2012 - 100 so far have gone bust. Most of them finished (read burnt callously here) the amount of capital… Continue reading Indian eCommerce Bust – Why has it come so SOON?

Apple, City, Clothing, Electronics, Food, General, Movies, Music, Social Media, Sports, Work

Emailer from Jabong – Sums Up Indian E-commerce Scenario

NB: This blog post is NOT directed against any company, person or group(s) in particular. In fact, I myself have purchased over 25+ items from in the past 4 months. 🙂 Customer Service is impeccable. This promotional mailer from Indian e-retailer (Rocket Internet venture launched in late 2011 in India) pretty much sums… Continue reading Emailer from Jabong – Sums Up Indian E-commerce Scenario