City, General, Social Media, Work

Indian eCommerce Bust – Why has it come so SOON?

It was always predicted. It was always on the cards. But it would come so soon - probably, no one had predicted. Anyways, out of the 200 or so eCommerce startups founded in India in 2012 - 100 so far have gone bust. Most of them finished (read burnt callously here) the amount of capital… Continue reading Indian eCommerce Bust – Why has it come so SOON?

General, Social Media, Work

Grow a Thick Skin Before Launching Your eVenture

Jugez un homme par ses questions plutôt que par ses réponses, Voltaire once said. In English, 'Judge a man by his questions rather than by his answers'. Unfortunately, many Indian eCommerce startup CEOs have crucified Voltaire at the alter. Too many probing questions are never entertained; and they loose temper and calm at the slightest… Continue reading Grow a Thick Skin Before Launching Your eVenture

Apple, Electronics, General, Social Media, Work

iOS App, eCommerce Store OR Digital Agency?

If given a choice of becoming an entrepreneur and opening your company, which one would you opt for - - an iOS app that makes an effort to solve a problem in a known domain; and commercialize it OR - open an eCommerce store selling (say, CD/DVDs, books, mens/womens/kids clothing) OR - open a digital… Continue reading iOS App, eCommerce Store OR Digital Agency?

Apple, City, Clothing, Electronics, Food, General, Movies, Music, Social Media, Sports, Work

Emailer from Jabong – Sums Up Indian E-commerce Scenario

NB: This blog post is NOT directed against any company, person or group(s) in particular. In fact, I myself have purchased over 25+ items from in the past 4 months. 🙂 Customer Service is impeccable. This promotional mailer from Indian e-retailer (Rocket Internet venture launched in late 2011 in India) pretty much sums… Continue reading Emailer from Jabong – Sums Up Indian E-commerce Scenario