General, Social Media, Work

Entrepreneurial Lessons that MBA Schools Don’t Teach

Unforgiven. Produced, directed by & starring Clint Eastwood. A movie that I love from thousands in my collection. Besides portraying many different true facets of life, this movie is a must-watch and classic cause it de-romanticizes the commonly believed folklore. There's a special section in the movie that I can now relate to post working… Continue reading Entrepreneurial Lessons that MBA Schools Don’t Teach

Apple, Electronics, General, Social Media, Work

iOS App, eCommerce Store OR Digital Agency?

If given a choice of becoming an entrepreneur and opening your company, which one would you opt for - - an iOS app that makes an effort to solve a problem in a known domain; and commercialize it OR - open an eCommerce store selling (say, CD/DVDs, books, mens/womens/kids clothing) OR - open a digital… Continue reading iOS App, eCommerce Store OR Digital Agency?