
Jump The Curve. Attend #DataOnCloud.

If you're in London // New York // Seattle on 9 May, 4 June & 5 June respectively, and wish to understand, brainstorm and define a Strategic Solution Roadmap for  Cloud adoption for your organization, then here's a series of Cloud Events NOT to miss. Microsoft and Aditi is pleased to invite you to "DataOnCloud",… Continue reading Jump The Curve. Attend #DataOnCloud.


Yahoo! A Case study in Lack of Focus.

Yahoo!"s main problem has always been the lack of FOCUS. It's a common joke - what is Yahoo! this year? Is it an internet company, or an internet portal, or internet media company, or media company, or aggregator of news? Only God almighty knows. Wait. Fucking Christ. Marissa Mayer calls it, "global technology company focused… Continue reading Yahoo! A Case study in Lack of Focus.

Apple, Electronics, General, Social Media, Work

Time has come for Steve Ballmer to GO?

Microsoft is languishing at the bottom of the table when it comes to creating sustainable, creative, and innovative software. Not something that is new. Been there for a while. Steve Ballmer - since becoming CEO in January 2000 hasn't done much. Besides the stock sliding further and further towards oblivion. Is it time for Steve… Continue reading Time has come for Steve Ballmer to GO?

Social Media, Work

Microsoft Social Networking Site: Socl

Rumormongers have been running wild. Gonzo journalists are going amock. Microsoft is doing in-house testing of its hybrid social networking platform - Socl. Gonna be released soon. As of now, date(s) unknown. What this could mean - stiff competition for already existing social networks (Facebook & Google+ namely), higher the number of registered users on… Continue reading Microsoft Social Networking Site: Socl