General, Social Media, Sports

IQ & Talent NOT Important at Workplace, Relationships Are (Startup Series: Episode 2)

Recently read a book, FIRST, BREAK ALL THE RULES - What the World's Greatest Managers Do Differently by Marcus Buckingham &  Curt Coffman. Based on in-depth interviews by the Gallup Organization of over 80,000 managers in over 400 companies, the study in form of this book explains - what differentiates Good Managers from the Great… Continue reading IQ & Talent NOT Important at Workplace, Relationships Are (Startup Series: Episode 2)

General, Social Media, Work

HR Experience in India – The Good, The Bad & The Ugly

Human Resources in India is still at a very nascent stage as a 'career opportunity'. It means - most HR personnel I've had the opportunity of coming across during my stay in India, are either 'in HR owing to lack of ample opportunities outside the HR realm' OR 'loving HR for the time-being till I… Continue reading HR Experience in India – The Good, The Bad & The Ugly


Bad Bosses

Everyone has them. So did I. Everyone abhors them. So did I. Everyone detests them. So did I. Had a few unique bad cases in my tenure of working with some small, some big, some start-ups and some MNCs. But definitely, had some absolutely lovely bosses & CEOs & Managers as well. So talking about… Continue reading Bad Bosses